Basic Bitch Basic White Bread

This crusty bread with pumpkin butter and walnuts is for all my basic bitches out there. My roommate in college was from Michigan and she always pronounced pumpkin like "punkin", which I liked because I really liked punk music at the time, but now I don't get it. Like, call it what it is the way it's spelled, right?  Anyway I'm calling this Basic Bitch Basic White Bread because it is really easy to make, and because basic bitches love bread, am I right? To add a little more basicness to it, I threw together some pumpkin butter, which is the most basic butter I could imagine. This is the pumpkin spiced latte of breads. 

Butter Count: 0 Tbsp????



3 cups bread flour

1 1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp yeast

1 2/3 cups water



1. Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add the water and mix everything together until a very sticky dough forms. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside for 15 hours.

2. Preheat the oven with a small cast iron pot inside it to 450F.

3. Pour the dough out onto a heavily floured surface. Pull the sides of the dough to the center to a form a ball. Sprinkle the top with extra flour. Make sure the dough is dry enough that you can pick it up and keep it in ball form without it sticking to your hands.

4. Remove the pot from the oven and drop the dough ball into it. Return it to the oven, covered, and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the top from the pot and bake an additional 20 minutes. Transfer the cooked bread to a wire rack and wait about 10 minutes before slicing.

5. Slather the bread slices with pumpkin butter (recipe on its way) and chopped walnuts.